
Qijia had to help his family move, so, I found a new translator, one of the drivers’ son. He turned out to be quite good even though he was still in high school.

It became a routine for me to go out to film a few days, and back in town for translation. My threshold for coming back to town for a shower had gone lower.

I don’t know how I would feel if I have to live on the pasture all my life. And for that reason, even though I try, I could never capture the herders’ lives in their view, just my view of their lives and I’m grateful for the opportunity to do so.

I dreamed strange dreams. I dreamed about booking a flight from Banff to Seattle, and I dreamed about being at the taping of Seinfeld’s finale. I might have too much America in me than I wanted to realize already.

All is OK. One more pasture trip.

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