Moving Tents

Yidan and Ah-Ji prayed at nights in front of the TV. They decided, together with their neighbors to move. The grass where they put their tent was getting thin, and because of the diseases, the yaks were better off moved to a new place as well.

So, they started packing the next morning after milking was done. Herders live very simple lives. A couple of wooden chests, few bags of things, a stove, a butter-making machine, a TV set with satellite dish now, and they were ready to move. They packed the tractor belonging to her maiden family, one load was enough for them. They used a lighter tent too, without yak hair patches on the wall. Their parents used the full tent at their home pasture.

Their new spot was within walking distance, right next to a wired fence.

Blazing hot again. And we didn’t have any food and water all morning. The move had to be done first.

Choosing a location, unloading, setting tent up, they worked under the scorching sun.

When the tent was finally setup, I hid inside. My endurance was no comparison to the strong women of the pasture.

Yidan took no break even after the tent was up and their stuff loaded. She had to make another stove base with mud and sand, and her hands. She skimped no efforts making it looked nice and smooth.

Sangku came back on motorcycle along with the old herder’s daughter and her newborn child. The baby needed some medicine from the clinic nearby. First I thought that was a girl because of the full head of hair but later found out that was a boy. Tibetan babies don’t get a hair cut, and name too I believe until they are a year old.

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